Roubiçek Marcel
Due to the fact that no book or any other type of publication dedicated to the history of the Ottoman Navy appeared for many years on the book market, the author, although a military and no naval historian, undertook the task of presenting the interested reader with the rather small and, due to circumstances, limited treatise, thus closing, with his fourth book, his series on martial history of the Middle East published at the Franciscan Printing Press in Jerusalem.
Lingua: Inglese
Numero pagine: 28
Formato: Libro cartaceo
Anno di pubblicazione: 1980
Editore: Franciscan Printing Press
Modern Ottoman Troops, 1797-1915
In contemporary picturesThis album of carefully chosen contemporary pictures shows the most picturesque aspects of the so called “New Model Army” of the Ottomans, appealing thus to the sense for the beautiful extant in every true connoisseur no matter how deeply interested or not in military things he might be. The Editor does not pretend to present this volume as something of a “non plus ultra” type, but hopes that it might serve as a starter to either a larger collection or their own research just as did the earlier two Franciscan Printing Press publications of Militaria.
Lingua: Inglese
Numero pagine: 72
Formato: Libro illustrato
Anno di pubblicazione: 1978
Editore: Franciscan Printing Press
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