Roncaglia Martiniano
Biblioteca bio-bibliografica/serie IV (Studi) – tomo I
Storia della Provincia di Terra SantaLanguage: Italian
Number of pages: 152
Format: Ebook PDF
Year of publication: 1954
Collection: Bio-bibliographical Library of the Holy Land and of the Franciscan Orient
Dans cette étude nous nous sommes proposés un essai de synthèse intéressant l’action des Franciscains pour le rapprochement d’abord, l’union ensuite des Eglises grecque et latine.
Language: French
Number of pages: 285
Format: Book
Year of publication: 1954
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Bio-bibliographical Library of the Holy Land and of the Franciscan Orient
I francescani in Oriente durante le Crociate
Volume I (sec. XIII). Serie IV-Tomo IIl primo volume del tomo "Storia della provincia di Terra Santa" della collana storica inaugurata da p. Golubovich
Language: Italian
Number of pages: 118
Format: Book
Year of publication: 1954
Publisher: The Franciscan Centre of Christian Oriental Studies
Collection: Bio-bibliographical Library of the Holy Land and of the Franciscan Orient
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