Piccirillo Michele
Michele Piccirillo (Casanova di Cerinola, 1944 – Livorno 2008), ofm, graduated in Theology from the “Ateneo Antonianum” of Bologna and Holy Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome. He was awarded a degree in Archaeology by the La Sapienza University of Rome and was the Director of the Museum of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. From 1973, he directed the excavations and restoration of the Moses memorial on Mount Nebo in Jordan.
The Madaba Map Centenary 1897-1997
Travelling through the Byzantine Umayyad PeriodThe Madaba Mosaic Map is a unique piece of art realised in 6th cent. A.D. as a decoration for the pavement of a church in the town of Madaba (Jordan) in the Byzantine Near East.
Language: English
Number of pages: 278
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1998
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio maior
La Nuova Gerusalemme
Artigianato Palestinese al servizio dei Luoghi SantiLanguage: Italian
Number of pages: 238
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2007
ISBN: 9788871353159
Publisher: Edizioni Custodia di Terra Santa
Mount Nebo. New Archeological Excavations 1967-1997
2 volumes (text and plates)Language: English
Number of pages: 634
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1998
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio maior
Con questo studio l'autore ha inteso preparare una sintesi delle antichità bizantine della Giordania settentrionale, con particolare riferimento ai mosaici finora scoperti nella regione.
Language: Italian
Number of pages: 124
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1981
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio minor
Il P. Michele Piccirillo, codirettore a nome dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, insieme al Signor Taysir Attiyat del Dipartimento delle Antichità di Giordania, dello scavo di Um er-Rasas, anticipa le interessanti scoperte della prima campagna iniziata il 26 luglio e chiusa il 6 settembre del 1986.
Language: Italian
Number of pages: 32
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1986
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
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