Loffreda Stanislao
Stanislao Loffreda (Montepulciano, 1932) belongs to the Franciscan Province of San Giacomo in the Marche. He holds a degree in Holy Scripture (Pontifical Biblical Commission, 1961) and in Theology (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, 1962) and took a master’s degree in Archaeology at the Oriental Institute of Chicago (1967). From 1978 to 1990 he was the Director of the Studium of Jerusalem, where today he is Professor Emeritus. He has to his credit a number of excavation campaigns, including Capharnaum (1968-91; he has directed it since 2000) and the fortress of Machaereus, in Jordan (1978-81), to which he has dedicated several publications.
Ceramica del tempo di Gesù
Vasi della Terra Santa nel periodo romano antico 63 a.C.-70 d.C.Il libro illustra la ceramica comune della Terra Santa nel periodo romano antico (63 a.C.-70 d.C.).
Language: Italian
Number of pages: 120
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2000
ISBN: 9655160076
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Museum
La città di GesùLanguage: Italian
Number of pages: 72
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1981
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Cafarnao V
Documentazione fotografica degli scavi (1968-2003)La documentazione fotografica relativa alle 23 campagne di scavo condotte a Cafarnao dal 1968 al 2003
Language: Italian
Number of pages: 246
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2005
ISBN: 9655160696
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio maior
Cafarnao VI – VII – VIII
Il trittico completoIl trittico completo dei volumi dedicati agli scavi di Cafarnao
Language: Italian
Number of pages: 897
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2008
ISBN: 9788862400107
Publisher: Edizioni Terra Santa
Collection: Collectio maior
Cafarnao VII
Documentazione grafica della ceramica (1968-2003)Language: Italian
Number of pages: 346
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2008
ISBN: 9788862400077
Publisher: Edizioni Terra Santa
Collection: Collectio maior
Cafarnao VIII
Documentazione fotografica degli oggetti (1968-2003)Language: Italian
Number of pages: 152
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2008
ISBN: 9788862400084
Publisher: Edizioni Terra Santa
Collection: Collectio maior
Cafarnao VI
Tipologie e contesti stratigrafici della ceramica (1968-2003)Language: Italian
Number of pages: 396
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2008
ISBN: 9788862400060
Publisher: Edizioni Terra Santa
Collection: Collectio maior
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