About us
TS Edizioni operates as part of the Fondazione Terra Santa and is the publishing centre of the Custody of the Holy Land in Italy. It offers information and news on the history and current affairs of the Middle East, the cradle of great ancient civilizations and of the three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Founded in 2005, TS continues the tradition of the Centro propaganda e stampa which, from as early as the 1910s in Milan, gave a voice to the Franciscan experience in the Holy Places. At the same time, TS continues the legacy of the Franciscan Printing Press (FPP), in Jerusalem since 1847.
A clear and effective trademark
Two capital letters in a circle (dotted in some parts, showing the desire to open up and measure up to the world). Two letters (TS, Terra Santa) which summarize the identity of the publisher. A clear and recognizable logo which wants to offer a more open gaze without distorting the historical mission of the publisher of the Custody of the Holy Land. TS Edizioni continues to be part of the Fondazione Terra Santa.
TS Edizioni – Words to write the future
Over the past five years, the publisher has succeeded in diversifying its offer, with books on questions of current affairs, travel collections and books for children alongside the collections on spirituality, religious essays and pilgrimage guides.
The idea is to offer as wide a public as possible instruments for reflection on and in-depth analysis of the reality surrounding them, starting from the great themes of faith, dialogue and the meeting of cultures.
These are topics which in essence are capable of offering us instruments to live in the present and think of the future.
The TS catalogue includes scholarly works, in particular Biblical-exegetical research and the archaeological activity linked to the world of the Bible and Oriental Christianity. The catalogue also includes collections for the general public on Middle Eastern current affairs and in-depth studies on a broad range of religious and cultural topics: the Christian presence in the Holy Land, interreligious dialogue, the peace process. TS also offers guides and multimedia products to get to know the Holy Land today and accompany visits to the Holy Places.
In addition, TS publishes an online magazine (Terrasanta.net, in English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese) and two periodicals in Italian (Eco di Terrasanta and Terrasanta). It also promotes cultural initiatives linked to the Holy Land and the Middle East such as conferences, book presentations, and courses.
The Holy Land Review (52 color pages), the magazine of the Custody for the English speakers, is a magazine published four times a year (spring, summer, fall, winter). Through articles by experts, it aims to provide in-depth knowledge of the complex situation of the Holy Land, covering religious, cultural, biblical, archaeological and ecumenical issues. It is published by the Commissariat of the Holy Land, Washington. The Washington Commissariat represents the Custody of the Holy Land in the USA and informs and raises awareness in the American Church to support the communities and Holy Sites in the Holy Land and raise funds for the Good Friday Collection.
Terrasanta.net and The Holy Land Review are not official publications of the Custody of the Holy Land. Therefore they do not necessarily express the viewpoint of the Custody on the various subjects covered.
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