Terra Santa Edizioni
Machaerus III - Győző Vörös

Machaerus III

The Golden Jubilee of the Archaeological Excavations. Final Report on the Herodian Citadel (1968-2018)

“As in the previous two monographs, the reader of this third volume turns into a visitor – indeed, a kind of pilgrim – invited to interweave history, art, tradition and even spirituality; among the spaces and monuments of Machaerus hovers always the figure of the Baptist, and his voice echoes with that vehement imperative recorded by the evangelist Mark: οὐκ ἔξεστίν σοι, “you are not allowed” (6,18). We speak of a “visit” because the pages that follow are illustrated with almost two thousand images and graphics whose colors almost allow the reader to dwell in those places and premises, admiring them, locating them on the maps and feeling, indirectly, the breath of the desert which envelops them. Yes, because this latest stage of the excavation – which is, suggestively, part of a permanent project and not of an occasional survey as often happens – has provided a treasure-trove, full of surprises.” (from the Foreword by Card. Gianfranco Ravasi)

Lingua: Inglese
Numero pagine: 588
Formato: Libro illustrato
Anno di pubblicazione: 2019
ISBN: 9788862406086

Editore: Edizioni Terra Santa
Collana: Collectio maior

Libro illustrato   128,00 €  121,60 €Esaurito
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The Hungarian Archaeological Mission in the Light of the American-Baptist and Italian-Franciscan Excavations and Surveys

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