Terra Santa Edizioni
Rediscovering John - Lesław Daniel Chrupcała

Rediscovering John

Essays on the Fourth Gospel in Honour of Frédéric Manns

The idea of dedicating a Festschrift to honor Professor Frédéric Manns on the happy occasion of his 70th birthday came to mind in the autumn of 2011 and work on this project had been continuing ever since.

Felicitously achieving this goal, the Faculty of Biblical Sciences and Archaeology (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum) and the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land present this volume to Father Manns with gratitude for his profound scholarship and a lifetime service in the Holy Land.
Perusing through Father Manns’ writings, it is easy to see a prominent and distinctive place devoted to the Gospel of John. It seemed therefore suitable to focus on this subject in the Festschrift honoring him: the title, Rediscovering John, relates to Manns’ significant contribution towards the better understanding of the Fourth Gospel.
The volume comprises 21 studies authored by renowned scholars from various parts of the world, from different institutions and denominations. While the first half of the studies examines general issues (history of interpretation, textual transmission, intertextuality, theological themes, archaeology), the second half treats literary, narrative and exegetical approaches to particular texts of the Fourth Gospel.
We augur that this rich collection will help to stimulate further discussion and reflection on the Gospel of John, as well as constitute an incentive to an already distinguished scholar to continue writing challenging and thought-provoking essays and books.
(from the Foreword by the Editor)

Language: English
Number of pages: 678
Format: Book
Year of publication: 2013
ISBN: 9788862401906

Publisher: Edizioni Terra Santa
Collection: Analecta


Lesław Daniel Chrupcała, nato in Polonia nel 1963, francescano, ha compiuto studi di Sacra Scrittura e Teologia a Gerusalemme e a Roma. Dal 1988 è al servizio della Custodia di Terra Santa. Ha pubblicato, oltre a vari saggi esegetici e articoli di divulgazione nel campo della ricerca biblica, alcune monografie, tra cui Il regno opera della Trinità nel vangelo di Luca (Jerusalem 1998), The Kingdom of God. A Bibliography of 20th Century Research (Jerusalem 2007), Everyone Will See the Salvation of God. Studies in Lukan Theology (Milano 2015), Il vangelo di Luca: analisi sintattica (Milano 2018), Atti degli Apostoli: analisi sintattica (Milano 2019), Il vangelo di Matteo: analisi sintattica (Milano 2022). Ha curato il volume Rediscovering John: Essays on the Fourth Gospel in Honour of Frédéric Manns (Milano 2013). È professore ordinario di Teologia dogmatica allo Studium Theologicum Jerosolymitanum (facoltà di Scienze Bibliche e d’Archeologia della Pontificia Università Antonianum di Roma) ed è editor della rivista annuale Liber Annuus dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum di Gerusalemme.

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