Terra Santa Edizioni
The Basilica of St Stephen – Bologna

The Basilica of St Stephen – Bologna

A small illustrated guide takes the visitor through the history and the artistic beauties of the Basilica of Santo Stefano.

The Basilica of Santo Stefano is one of the oldest cult complexes in Bologna. It overlooks the square of the same name and is also known as the “Seven Churches” complex.

This small illustrated guide takes the visitor through the history, the artistic beauties and the devotion linked to extremely important buildings for the Emilian capital: a real tool for the thousands of pilgrims and tourists who admire them every year, making them a must and essential of the city.

The guide contains:

  • historical events
  • the plant of the complex
  • the description of the main monuments and works of art
  • beautiful color images.

Edited by Paolo Dozio ofm.

Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9791254710388

Publisher: TS Edizioni

See also
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