Terra Santa Edizioni


Gli scavi del complesso di Santo Stefano

Umm Al-Rasas, 40 km a sud est del Nebo con le sue rovine di città cristiana isolata nella steppa è  l'oggetto di una serie di pubblicazioni, di cui questo libro costituisce il primo volume.

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 376
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1994

Publisher: Edizioni Custodia di Terra Santa
Collection: Collectio maior

Illustrated book   100,00 €  95,00 €Not available
Early Christianity in Context - Eugenio Alliata, Frédéric Manns

Do we know anything about Early Christianity in the Holy Land? Father E. Testa tried to answer to this question during his long academic life. He was convinced that Judaism and Early Christianity should be part of the study of Holy Scriptures. 

Language: English
Number of pages: 522
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1993
ISBN: 9655160351

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio maior

Illustrated book   56,00 €Soon available
Giornate di archeologia – Pacchetto quattro volumi

• Giornate di archeologia VI ed.
• Giornate di archeologia V ed.
• Culture e religioni in dialogo
• Salvaguardare la memoria per immaginare il futuro

Giornate di archeologia – Pacchetto tre volumi

• Giornate di archeologia
• Culture e religioni in dialogo
• Salvaguardare la memoria per immaginare il futuro

Giornate di archeologia – Pacchetto due volumi

• Culture e religioni in dialogo
• Salvaguardare la memoria per immaginare il futuro

Inventaire du Jébel El-A’la - Pasquale Castellana, Romualdo Fernández, Ignacio Peña

Inventaire du Jébel El-A’la

Recherches archéologiques dans la région des Villes Mortes de la Syrie du Nord

Language: French
Number of pages: 228
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1990

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio minor

Language: English
Number of pages: 596
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1990

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio maior

Illustrated book   52,00 €  49,40 €Soon available
The coins of the Decapolis and Provincia Arabia - Augustus Spijkerman

This catalogue is based nearly exclusively on coins preserved in the Franciscan Biblical Museum in Jerusalem and will bring a great amount of new material; a rough estimate is that between one fourth and one third of the total has remained unpublished so far 

Language: English
Number of pages: 322
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1978

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio maior

Inventaire du Jébel Wastani - Pasquale Castellana, Romualdo Fernández, Ignacio Peña

Inventaire du Jébel Wastani

Recherches archéologiques dans la région des Villes Mortes de la Syrie du Nord

Language: French
Number of pages: 246
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1999

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio minor

Lieux de pèlerinage en Syrie - Ignacio Peña

La Syrie possède un nombre impressionnant de lieux de culte chrétien de l’époque byzantine, comme on n’en trouve nulle part ailleurs: églises, chapelles, martyria et monastères. Or, parmi ces édifices, on compte de nombreux sanctuaires, centres de pèlerinage où l’on vénérait le corps, et plus souvent, les reliques d’un martyr.

Language: French
Number of pages: 284
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2000

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio minor

Illustrated book   34,00 €  32,30 €Not available
Inventaire du Jébel Baricha - Pasquale Castellana, Romualdo Fernández, Ignacio Peña

Inventaire du Jébel Baricha

Recherches archéologiques dans la région des Villes Mortes de la Syrie du Nord

Le présent Inventaire du Jébel Baricha, fruit de trois ans de recherches sur place, est le premier de la série d'inventaires des Villes Mortes de la Syrie du Nord.Dans la présente étude les auteurs détaillent, à propos de chaque site archéologique, la bibliographie des ceux qui l'ont étudié et décrivent les monuments mentionnés par leurs devanciers, en s'arrêtant surtout à la partie inédite du site. D'abord les églises; plusieurs temples païens sont inédits. Pour les monastères, sur un total de 62 trouvés, 48 sont inédits. Un nombre si important d'édifices religieux découverts dans cette région restreinte, aux alentours d'Antioche, témoigne de l'existence d'un christianisme plein de vitalité, qui connut son épanouissement au dernier siècle de l'époque byzantine. 

Language: French
Number of pages: 212
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1987

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio minor

Chiese e mosaici della Giordania settentrionale - Michele Piccirillo

Con questo studio l'autore ha inteso preparare una sintesi delle antichità bizantine della Giordania settentrionale, con particolare riferimento ai mosaici finora scoperti nella regione.

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 124
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1981

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio minor

L’archéologie judéo-chrétienne - Ignazio Mancini

La mise au jour de nombreux matériaux judéo-chrétiens est venue, ces dernières années, non seulement enrichir, mais aussi transformer notre connaissance de l'Eglise primitive, notamment celle de l'Eglise de Palestine.

Language: French
Number of pages: 149
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1977

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio minor

Illustrated book   18,00 €  17,10 €Not available
Tecoa - Juan Escobar

El tema de este libro ha sido un estudio sobre una de las ciudades biblicas cuyo nombren no ha desaparecido: Tecoa.

Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 64
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1976

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

Liber Annuus XXII-1972 (ristampa anastatica)

La ristampa anastatica dei numeri storici della rivista annuale dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 398
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1972 (rist. 2012)
ISBN: 9788862400343

Publisher: Fondazione Terra Santa
Collection: Liber Annuus

Liber Annuus XXI-1971 (ristampa anastatica)

La ristampa anastatica dei numeri storici della rivista annuale dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 352
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1971 (rist. 2012)
ISBN: 9788862400336

Publisher: Fondazione Terra Santa
Collection: Liber Annuus

Liber Annuus XX-1970 (ristampa anastatica)

La ristampa anastatica dei numeri storici della rivista annuale dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 388
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1970 (rist. 2012)
ISBN: 9788862400329

Publisher: Fondazione Terra Santa
Collection: Liber Annuus

Liber Annuus XIX-1969 (ristampa anastatica)

La ristampa anastatica dei numeri storici della rivista annuale dello Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 398
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1969 (rist. 2012)
ISBN: 9788862400312

Publisher: Fondazione Terra Santa
Collection: Liber Annuus

La sinagoga di Cafarnao dopo gli scavi del 1969 - Virgilio Canio Corbo

La sinagoga di Cafarnao è la sinagoga per eccellenza, riconosciuta come tale in Terra Santa sia dai cristiani che dagli ebrei.

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 143
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1970

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Collection: Collectio minor

Illustrated book   15,00 €  14,25 €Not available
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