Guides and Pilgrimages
John Paul II. The journey of the Jubilee
To the Origins of Our Faith and of Our ChurchThe pilgrimage of John Paul II to the Holy Land has been a happy occasion for the entire Catholic community living in the native land of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Language: English
Number of pages: 219
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2002
Publisher: Custodia di Terra Santa
Giovanni Paolo II. Il viaggio del Giubileo
Alle radici della fede e della ChiesaUn volume per ripercorrere lo storico viaggio di Giovanni Paolo II in Terra Santa (marzo 2000) attraverso le immagini, i discorsi, le cronache. Una grande opera per tornare pellegrini in Terra Santa insieme a Papa Wojtyła, in occasione della beatificazione del 1' maggio 2011 a Roma.
Language: Italian
Number of pages: 219
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 2001
Publisher: Custodia di Terra Santa
Uno strumento completo e insostituibile per il pellegrino e il turista, frutto della secolare presenza francescana in Terra Santa al servizio dei pellegrini.
Language: Italian
Number of pages: 364
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1999
ISBN: 9788862400053
Publisher: Edizioni Terra Santa
A Guide is in more senses than one out of date the day it leaves the press.
Language: English
Number of pages: 823
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1984
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Language: Italian
Number of pages: 114
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1973
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
Language: English
Number of pages: 116
Format: Book
Year of publication: 1952
Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press
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