Terra Santa Edizioni

Holy Land

Guide to the Holy Land - Eugene Hoade

A Guide is in more senses than one out of date the day it leaves the press.

Language: English
Number of pages: 823
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1984

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

Illustrated book   24,00 €  22,80 €Not available
Recueil de documents concernant Jérusalem et les Lieux Saints - Bernardin Collin

Un outil précieux pour les chercheurs: un récueil des principaux documents concernant les Lieux Saints à partir du XIXe siècle

Language: French
Number of pages: 431
Format: Book
Year of publication: 1982

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

Book   50,00 €  47,50 €Soon available
Sinai - Pia Compagnoni


Sulle orme dell'Esodo

Una guida completa del Sinai

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 114
Format: Illustrated book
Year of publication: 1973

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

Illustrated book   10,00 €  9,50 €Out of stock
I francescani in Oriente durante le Crociate - Martiniano Roncaglia

Il primo volume del tomo "Storia della provincia di Terra Santa" della collana storica inaugurata da p. Golubovich

Language: Italian
Number of pages: 118
Format: Book
Year of publication: 1954

Publisher: The Franciscan Centre of Christian Oriental Studies
Collection: Bio-bibliographical Library of the Holy Land and of the Franciscan Orient

Book   14,00 €  13,30 €Not available

Language: English
Number of pages: 116
Format: Book
Year of publication: 1952

Publisher: Franciscan Printing Press

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